Monday, September 29, 2014

Pikes Place

So one day we took Nanma out to Pikes Place. She was really intrigued and fascinated when purchasing the fish, they threw it to be wrapped. Also walked down to the gum wall, which was pretty disgusting. After that we walked down to the park to lay on the grass and have a rest. Nanma also got to give one of her care packages to a homeless person that was in need, which was cool to be apart of. I didn't feel that good so we all left and came home to the house. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Wax on, Wax off

Well it's been 2 weeks ago now, but my hair has been slowly shedding. Everywhere. 'My mom has been loving it'. It took about 3 days before I decided that I should just shave it all off ( a lot of encouragement from mom). I didn't want to put any photos of me on, while nanma was shaving my head in our house room, cause it look kind of scary. What made the situation really strange, was that nanma was keeping my hair in a gallon zip lock bag, GROSS! She is quite the artist, and nanma said that she was going to use my hair for texture in one of her painting projects. 
My head feels a little cold and I wear hats alot to keep warm. Honestly, I always wanted to know what it felt like and looked like to be bald, and I with out this situation I know I never would have had this experience. Lifes interesting like that.
Good news is, it doesn't take long to do my hair in the morning, and showers are so much quicker, and the nurse thinks I'm beautiful bald.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Game

So we got tickets to go to the Mariner's game last Sunday from the Hutch school (the school Zephy goes to). I wasn't technically supposed to go out in public because my blood counts were low, low grade fever, and a start a cold. But I knew I couldn't miss this opportunity so I went but I just kept to my self, which wasn't hard because we were in a suite, and I wore a mask. There was a teacher from the Hutch school and her husband, and 2 other family's. We got 4 tickets to the game, a suite that was fully catered, and free parking tickets. We had a blast. Nanma got sick though on the kettle corn they had because she had never had it before and she ate one of those big popcorn buckets full of caramel kettle corn. 

Top photo: Us seeing our room for the first time.
Second photo: Us in our suite. There was also a little kitchen sink and and island full of food.
Third photo: Nanma, me, and Zephy
Last photo: Zephy out on the field. At the end of the game they let kids 14 and under go run the bases so this is Zephy after she ran the bases. She was pretty excited.

The Choice

So lately I've had a cold, and I've had the mouth sores. Since I have the mouth sores I've had a hard time eating and talking, and I've mostly been just eating tomato soup because that's the only eating that is easy to swallow. I've also been having a lot of motion sickness and headaches. I've mostly just been in bed and not doing much. It hasn't been a fun week. 

The whole situation is now becoming more real to all of us. However we're still making the choice to stay in God's choice. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Nanma's and Zephy's Day Out

Here at the house they have little out-goings so that's what Nanma and Zeph did one evening. They went out on a sailboat. It took about three hours and it was dark by the time they got back. They said the boat rocked back and forth a lot. They also said they sailed passed the house boat that was in the movie " Sleepless in Seattle". 


At dinner they have activities for the kids but we decided to dress-up too. The top photo is of Zephy and her new friend here at the house. Then the second photo is of mom mom and her addiction to coffee. And finally the last photo is of all of us: Nanma, Mom, me, and Zephy. 

Hair Coloring Day

A few days ago we had some fun and colored my hair. Nanma had taken me shopping to look for hair coloring stuff.  We did pink on the bottom and then a turquoise color on the top. The color only stayed in for a few days before it washed out. Thanks Nanma.

Monday, September 8, 2014


On Saturday I had to say goodbye to Dad so that he could go home and pay my bills! :) Mom drove him down to the train station and when she got back we got clearance with the nurse to take a trip down the elevator to starbucks for a little treat.  I felt weird walking like an old lady with my pumps but the cakepop was worth it! Nanma was pretty excited as well! 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Surprise!  check out this video on youtube that mom took of us.   Mom said we were doing a video blog for the day but turns out there was a surprise waiting.  I have not seen my nanma in over 5 years!  It has been so good to have her here with us, hanging and helping out.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Another Day Of Surprise

Yesterday I got to go check back into hospital for round 2. Was just hanging out with Zephy after she got home from school and mom was doing a video blog and I thought it was kind of odd. While that was happen dad walked in with his mum following. I was wide eyed, mouth open shocked to see her here. Mom and dad had kept it a surprise from Zephy and I. Going to be fun having her here, looking forward to maybe taking some bike rides together.
Thank you all for your prayers and kind thoughts, for all those sending mail, I love the excitement of getting to open the letters from you all, it means so much to Zephy and I and makes a part of our day.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Thank you Jesus!

Tonight when we got home and had dinner my mom got a phone call from the doctor.  She said they forgot to go over CT scan with us when we were in today and she wanted to call to let us know.  She said when she looked at it they were hoping for a 20% reduction in the tumor with the chemo from last week.  She said as she was looking at it she had to call two other doctors over to look at it with her and make sure she doing the math right.  She said I had an 88% reduction in my tumor in just a week!! She said they haven't seen anything like it! She was pretty excited and my mom was crying.  I still start "The Big Guns" of chemo tomorrow and for the next 5 days. Then I will have 10 days to recover then do it all over again.  She said at the end of the month they will have an even better idea but she didn't think they were going to have to continue to go as aggressive with chemo as originally thought after this month! (because my cancer is the fastest growing tumor they have to hit hard and aggressive to kill it off.  She said I am in the top 20% of cancer patients that would ever have to go through this intense of treatment....but I am still believing 'not for long!') ....Sooo Excited! Thank you Jesus!

First Day for Zeph and More Tests for Me

The last few days I haven't felt that well and up to it, but today I felt pretty good. Zephy had her first day of school today, she was pretty excited for it. Then I did a CT scan, lab work, and doctor visits which took up most of the day. They layered varies medications to relieve the migraine like headache I had that morning. my headache went away and we went to an ice cream shop afterwards, because I actually felt like eating something. Then when we got back to the house Dad and I went for a little bike ride with the new bikes we just got.  Today was the day that I ate a lot, it was basically the first day that  I actually felt like I could hold something down.

Back Tracking

A few days ago I got a very nice surprise. The day was going pretty usual, just hanging out in the hospital room. Mom and Zephy went and did some errands and came back with Dad!! It was the happiest moment I"ve had so far. For the rest of the day we just hung out with Dad and walked around the hospital a little bit. So thankful that some how Dad got time off work. 

Monday, September 1, 2014


For those who have been asking here is our address.

Sheradia LINTON c/o RMDH
5130 40th Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98105
Bldg A #170