Monday, September 8, 2014


On Saturday I had to say goodbye to Dad so that he could go home and pay my bills! :) Mom drove him down to the train station and when she got back we got clearance with the nurse to take a trip down the elevator to starbucks for a little treat.  I felt weird walking like an old lady with my pumps but the cakepop was worth it! Nanma was pretty excited as well! 


  1. Looks like a fun time out. So great to see wonderful smiles all round. You are one strong woman, proud of you. Yip must be hard seeing Scott having to leave, but I bet his heart is always right there with you every day.

  2. Hi Sheradia, My name is Mrs. Patera. I am one of the librarians at Havre High. I was wondering if you had named your pumps yet? When my daughters walked the hospital halls with their dad, it made it a lot more entertaining once the pumps had a name. They named it Mertle the Turtle because they couldn't walk to fast with Mertle along. It also breaks up the routine if you can decorate the pole your pumps are on, give it a little character. Keep smiling and we will be seeing you in the library soon. :)
